B2B Business to Barents project
B2B Business to Barents –project (2018-2019) activated networks and linked potential business partners between North Karelia and Barents region, focusing on finding export and import opportunities to companies. Major events during the year were North Karelian delegation trip to Murmansk International Business Week and “Northern Potential in the Barents Region” seminar in Joensuu. More information about the Barents Region below (in Finnish):
b2b markkinointiselvitys.pdf
B2B Business to Barents –projektin myötä (2018-2019) etsittiin uusia kumppanuuksia sekä vienti- ja tuontimahdollisuuksia yrityksille Pohjois-Karjalan ja Barentsin alueen välillä. Projektin aikana tärkeimpiä tapahtumia olivat Pohjois-Karjalan valtuuskunnan matka Murmansk International Business Week:lle sekä ”Northern Potential in the Barents Region ” -seminaari Joensuussa. Voit lukea lisätietoja Barentsin alueesta alla olevasta selvityksestä:
Download pdf: northern-potential-in-barents-region_networking-event_printA4 final
Day 1, 14 February 2019
09.35 – 09.55 Welcoming words by H.E. Ambassadors from Sweden and Norway and greetings from Embassy of Russia, Mr. Ahnlid, Mr. Grutle, Mr. Gordienko
10.00 – 10.30 Smooth Arctic Connections, Mr. Esko Aho
10.30 – 11.00 The Future of Youth Cooperation in the Barents Region, Mr. Tim Andersson
11.00 – 11.30 Development Activities in the Euregio Karelia Region to Improve Companies’ Operating Environment on Both Sides of the Border, Mr. Dmitry Kislov, Mr. Risto Poutiainen
11.45 – 12.45 Lunch
13.00 – 13.30 Spirit of Success from North Karelia, Mr. Arttu Taponen
13.45 – 15.00 Parallel sessions
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 16.00 Findings from parallel sessions
16.00 – 16.15 Closing words by Mrs. Jaana Rekolainen
18.30 – 20:30 Barents Feast, hosted by the City of Joensuu, City Hall
20:30 – 23:00 Barents Bash after-party, Theater Club
Day 2, 15 February 2019
9.30 – 13.00 Company visits, themes:
*High-end metals and plastics: from millimeter precision to massive machines” Mantsinen Group Oy Ltd. and Abloy Oy
*Educational competence and entrepreneurship through life-long learning” Business Academy, Photonics Finland and University of Eastern Finland Sm4rtLab
*North Karelia as a meeting point of eastern and western cultures in tourism” St Nicholas Church of Joensuu, Orthodox Culture Center, and Botania Event Garden
Hello Barents! From North Karelia – brochure:
B2B Business to Barents-eng-web (English)
B2B Business to Barents-ru-web (Russian)
Useful links:
Euro Arctic Chambers of Commerce
Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce
Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce